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Dr. Kimberly Lemke, Geneva 
 In Dr. Kimberly Lemke’s private practice, she does a great deal of parenting training and workshops on various topics.  She is a licensed child, adolescent and adult clinical psychologist that has worked in multiple settings, including several hospitals, outpatient centers, and serving as director of a school for children with behavioral and emotional disorders.  While in her practice and workshops, she would always tell the story of this fictitious child living amongst universal parenting issues.   “The story was always so helpful,” says Dr. Lemke.  “I wanted something that parents could take home and read to their kids so they could have a fun way to discuss rules and parenting.”  I Just Don’t Get My Parents’ Rules! is an imaginative children’s book that takes readers on a journey with a child as he explores his feelings about his parents’ rules.  Like most kids, he gets frustrated at the rules and fantasizes about what his life would be like without them.  Although he is momentarily caught up in the euphoria and amusement of the possibilities, he soon realizes that a house without rules might not be as fantastic as he imagined.  “I wanted to make sure I provided coping techniques I teach in my practice for children to use when they become angry or frustrated with rules,” explains Dr. Lemke.  “This book helps children handle their feelings and put words to their emotions.”  Dr. Lemke wrote a draft of I Just Don’t Get My Parents’ Rules! and then had twins.  Like many parents, projects get put on the backburner.  As her kids starting getting older, she found herself needing the book for her own purposes and re-visited the publishing process.  Today, other parents can find her helpful book through AuthorHouse,, Barnes and Noble and select local bookstores. –Mindy Kyle 
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LITERARY LOCAL | Dr. Kimberly Lemke, Geneva

Dr. Kimberly Lemke, Geneva I JUST DON’T GET MY PARENTS’ RULES! In Dr. Kimberly Lemke’s private practice, she does a great deal of...

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