Wheaton Haunted Halloween Flea Market Happening Until Midnight! Shop in Costume!
WHEATON–Ghosts & Goblins, Witches beware—Haunted FLEAS are everywhere! It’s the 12th Annual Zurko’s Haunted Halloween FLEA MARKET –event; SATURDAY, October 28, 2023, 3pm till Midnight. There will be 1000’s of FLEAS & TREASURES (CREEPY & OTHERWISE) for sale. Special guests & more! Great family fun! Ghoulish encounters and much more! Shop in costume for more fun! All in All, this appears to be a “Spook-tacular”event with fun and treasures for the whole family! “COME for SPOOKY FUN….and leave with “HAUNTED-FLEAS!
DuPage County Fairgrounds 2015 Manchester Rd, Wheaton, IL 60187
Hours: 3pm to 12:00am / $10 Free parking. Children 12 and under free with adult. Tickets are only available at the event!
For additional information on this & other Zurko’s Midwest Promotions special Flea & Fun events contact: Zurko at 115 E. Division St. Shawano WI. 54166, or phone 715-526-9769, https://zurkopromotions.com/wheaton-illinois-haunted.../