So Many Unique Things Happening Here
WHEATON–Improv. To many this word culminates a myriad of anxious feelings. After all, creating humor out-of-thin air must be left to the experts. How can people spontaneously create stories from audience suggestions? It is awe-inspiring. However, improv is for everyone. And just like anything worth achieving, it takes practice - a skill set, built over time. By learning the correct techniques, mastering the art of the ‘unplanned’ becomes second nature.

Introducing: Westside Improv in downtown Wheaton.
Westside Improv presents long-form improv shows and classes throughout the week. Themes range from Shakespearean plays to murder mysteries … and everything in between. Just like music, there are a variety of comedy genres. Finding styles and themes that speak to our unique preferences, helps draw us closer to this alluring art form. Each week, WI features a variety of teams from the Chicagoland area. Shows are Friday and Saturday nights; typically, featuring three teams.

Cultivating humor into our everyday life is essential to our overall health and wellbeing. You don’t have to be the class clown or life of the party to try your hand in improv. It creatively propels us in many facets of life - school, work, family and friends. It teaches us to: be positive, spontaneous, take risks, connect with others, get out of our heads and celebrate failure. It’s perfect for kids who want to build confidence, social skills and learn acceptance. And it’s great for adults and working professionals who want to become more present, practice active listening and deepen collaboration.
It’s the ultimate team sport! -Brianna Bartemeyer, Photos Submitted