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Glancer Chicago West

TOY DRIVE | Naperville Sunrise Rotary Hosts Holiday Drive, Drop Off Food & Toys


Rotary Club of Naperville Sunrise is holding a Holiday Drive-By Drop-off food and toy drive on Friday, November 20 from 8:30-10 AM in front of Naperville Country Club, the Club’s regular meeting place. The no-contact event is planned to support West Suburban Community Pantry which serves over 500 families each week from Naperville, Lisle, Woodridge, Bolingbrook, Westmont, Willowbrook and Romeoville.

“We’re so lucky to have so much in our community. It’s easy to forget the unseen children, families and seniors who struggle every day, and now face an even more challenging holiday season,” said Deb Newman, public relations chair for Sunrise Rotary. “Sunrise Rotary is dedicated to helping kids and families thrive in our community. This is a great opportunity to make our neighbor’s holidays a little brighter while still practicing social distancing.”

Items needed include:

New Unwrapped Toys (ages 0-12)

New Unwrapped Books (ages 0-12)

Turkeys or Hams

Boxed Potatoes and Stuffing Mix

Canned Gravy and Cranberry Sauce

Pumpkins Pie or other Dessert Mixes

Club volunteers will have a vehicle parked in front of the Country Club. Masks will be worn and are requested for donors. Donors may simply drop donations on the curb or load donations in the trunk and wave hello. All donations will be delivered to the Pantry at its Seven Bridges location later in the day. For additional information or to donate to West Suburban Community Pantry visit

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