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Glancer Chicago West

TO GIVE, TO INSPIRE | Local Club Volunteers Time to Beautify the St. Charles Community


The weather has finally broken, and I am hopeful that it is the beginning of continuous warmer temperatures and more sunshine. It is time to break the ice chains and get out and about to walk around our neighborhoods and our lovely downtown districts. In St. Charles, the Pottawatomie Garden Club wants to make sure your walks are filled with flowers and color. Through their mission of beautifying home grounds and the St. Charles community, the club cultivates the spirit of gardening in its broadest sense.

Twice a year, the Pottawatomie Garden Club, first organized in 1928, has a huge turnout of members planting seasonal flowers along the Main Street and Illinois Street bridges, as well as planting fresh blooming plants and greenery in the planters around the municipal building and in large pots around the downtown area. Additionally, Project Daffodil is an on-going effort. During the past two years, volunteer members helped plant 10,000 daffodils and 150 Virginia Bluebells in Mount St. Mary Park. Their next bridge planting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 18th, weather permitting.

To help keep the riverfront beautiful, the club organizes a group that weeds and cleans up litter along the Bob Leonard walkway on a regular basis. Other community programs include honoring past members with Memorial Trees, hosting the St. Charles Garden Walk – their biggest fundraiser, and donating to many organizations that educate and support gardening and beautification. Additionally, the club gives away two scholarships each year to students majoring in agricultural or related studies.

“When we moved to St. Charles from Texas three years ago, the Fox River and beautiful parks were a huge attraction,” says Denna O’Connor, Social Media Chairperson for Pottawatomie Garden Club. “Becoming a member was a fantastic way to share my love of plants with other gardeners.” Anyone who enjoys gardening is encouraged to join the club. Each month they socialize, plan and learn from expert guest speakers on diverse subjects, such as beekeeping, growing herbs, floral arranging and tree pruning. “To top it off,” says Denna, “our club members have a good time. We enjoy spending time together doing the tasks we love. The Pottawatomie Garden Club wants to make sure that walkers in St. Charles continue to have walks filled with healthy trees and colorful flowers for generations to come.”

For more information on membership and the work of the Pottawatomie Garden Club.

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