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Glancer Chicago West

TO GIVE, TO INSPIRE | Just Cause Create Joy of Plainfield


PLAINFIELD–No matter how big or small, kindness is the greatest gift of all. Small acts of kindness is the backbone idea behind Just Cause Create Joy, a nonprofit organization based in Plainfield. Their vision is to inspire others to create joy in the world by sharing small charitable acts of kindness. “We have found there are many people in our communities that have enough resources to donate, gift and want to help redistribute to those who are underserved or in need,” says Vanessa Mussatto, Founder and Executive Director of Just Cause Create Joy.

Vanessa was inspired to form Just Cause Create Joy by watching her great friend Robbin start a nonprofit in Englewood. “She was able to make a difference for so many families in Englewood where there is poverty, homelessness and trauma, and I saw firsthand it only takes an idea of helping others then acting on it to make a difference in someone’s life.” Just Cause Create Joy has not limited themselves to one cause. They have served communities in Plainfield, Joliet, Aurora, Naperville and Bolingbrook, along with Benton Harbor and Allegan County Michigan. Their branches have extended to locations in Michigan and North Carolina, who will work on parallel campaigns with them throughout the year. This dream could not have become a reality without her board members, President Judy Rae Brown, Treasurer Carla Cooper, Secretary Mary Ihle and Director Jennifer Bartz. Their hope is to eventually have several branches nationwide.

Since acquiring their nonprofit status just 6 months ago, the organization has completed a lot of charitable programs including: collecting their school supply backpack drive in Illinois and in Michigan, collecting 248 Halloween costumes to distribute to children in communities in Joliet and Aurora, collecting wish list items for the Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans in Wheaton, and sponsored 261 children through their Comfort and Joy program during the holidays. “We look forward to programs that will also serve the elderly, victims of domestic violence and animal shelters.” Says Vanessa. “We are here to support ideas, not just our own. We love suggestions.”

Just Cause Create Joy brings together neighbors, co-workers, and strangers for a common cause. They welcome volunteers, including children and young adults along with the different donations for each cause as well as financial donations. To stay informed with the organization’s next community project and needs, join their Facebook group under Just Cause Create Joy, and watch for a new website coming soon.

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