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SUGAR GROVE LIBRARY | Committee Urges Residents to Vote YES! on Zero Tax Rate Increase Referendum

Updated: Oct 10, 2023


Public libraries are the critical backbone of healthy communities.

– The library is the heart of our community, and a place where imagination grows, and education thrives.

– The library provided access to information and resources that might otherwise be unavailable or unaffordable.

– The library is a safe space for self-study, learning, and socializing.

– The library provides a unique opportunity to explore and learn from different cultures around the world.

– The library is great places to discover new hobbies or interests.

Vote YES on April 4 for our library!


The Sugar Grove Library Yes Committee was established to provide facts and garner support for a yes vote in the April 4, 2023, general election. It is comprised of community members from all walks of life who dearly love the library and the people we share it with. The Sugar Grove Public Library District encompasses not only Sugar Grove, but parts of Montgomery, Elburn, Yorkville, and North Aurora, including over 16,000 individuals. The library is the heart of our community, and a place where imagination grows, and education thrives. The library though has bills, maintenance, and operation costs, just as we do in our own homes. We are committed to helping our neighbors and friends understand more about the referendum and why it is so vital to get those 'YES' votes. Many futures are made within the walls of a library, let's bring future imagination to life and vote YES on April 4th.


The Sugar Grove Public Library District Board of Trustees voted to place a Zero Tax Rate Increase Referendum question on the April 4, 2023, ballot. Building bonds (think mortgage) issued to construct the library will be paid off in 2024, saving the district close to $1,000,000.00. The library will ask voters to approve taking money currently applied to bond payments and in turn using it for operating costs (materials, programs, and maintenance of buildings). The referendum question will ask for an increase in the operating fund limiting rate. The rate of the bond will be reduced by the same amount. This will result in no net increase to your tax rate. If voters choose "Yes", the tax rate will remain the same. If voters choose "No", the tax rate will be reduced.

Neither option will increase the tax rate.

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