The Couple was New to the Downers Grove Neighborhood
DOWNERS GROVE–On Tuesday evening, two adult residents were found shot to death inside a Downers Grove home in the western suburbs of Chicago, police said.
The home is located in the 6400-block of Fairview Avenue, was where police were called to around 10:00pm. Many witnesses told police they saw a man with a gun inside and heard a gunshot.
After officers entered, police said they saw a male subject and female subject dead with apparent gunshot wounds. Downers Grove police said that an argument and physical altercation took place between the husband and wife who lived in the home. According to one news report, the couple was new to the neighborhood, moving in just 7 weeks earlier. One neighbor who was interviewed shared his shock and sadness, stating that he had not even had a chance to introduce himself to the couple.
Preliminary investigation shows the husband got a gun and fatally shot his wife, police said. The man was identified as 42-year-old Dongwei Su, and the woman was identified as 42-year-old Yakun Sui. Police said their investigation continues, and there is not a threat to the public.