YOU'VE BEEN GLANCED IN NAPERVILLE Naperville Mom Kim Sandford passed away last week after an 8 year battle with a rare from of cancer. In January, she needed 40 blood and plasma transfusions and her last wish, instead of having a wake or funeral, was to help others by asking people to donate blood.
On Sunday, a blood drive was held in Kim's honor. Hundreds of local residents came out to donate blood and to celebrate the life of this beautiful mom who leaves behind a husband and two school age boys.
The company that hosted the blood drive, Versiti, said this is the largest one they have ever done. Their staff staff and CEO were all on site to help collect blood from the nearly 400 donors signed up to donate, all in Kim’s honor.Kim's inspiration will help countless people in need for years to come as her legacy lives on through additional blood drives and those sharing the hashtag #apintforkim. In fact, another blood drive is planned or North Carolina in her name in the coming months.To learn more, visit https://www.facebook.com/apintforKim
Photos by Mike Catuara for Glancer Magazine