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Glancer Chicago West

PATH TO HOPE | Community Conversations: Suicide Awareness in Naperville


Naperville City Councilman John Krummen and DuPage County Board Member, District 5, Dawn DeSart, present the second of their Community Conversations about a vital issue in Naperville on Monday, January 13, 2020, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., in the Naperville City Council Chambers at 400 S. Eagle Street, Naperville.

“Community Conversations: Suicide Awareness and The Path Toward Hope” will discuss the crucial conversation in our community about those who are lost to suicide in our community, and how we can help those most in need of mental health intervention.

Panelists include Lori Carnahan, Director of Behavioral Health, DuPage County Health Department; Anne Dempsey, RN; Casey Woodham, Mental Health Coordinator, Neuqua Valley High School; and Kelly Bryant, Director of Clinical Excellence and NSG, Linden Oaks.

“Every year, Naperville loses too many of our residents - especially our teens - to suicide,” said DuPage County Board Member Dawn DeSart. “Every individual lost is a needless, senseless loss, and suicide is especially prominent this time of year, right after the holidays. People lose hope. We’ve got to get better at identifying those most at risk in our community, and help them find the ‘hope’ to live.”

A Naperville resident for over 15 years, John Krummen has served on multiple boards and commissions before his election to Naperville City Council in 2015. “I want to provide outreach on this issue after my friend, Bill Liu, held a fundraiser last year for the family of a Naperville North student, Lucas Gerber, who tragically took his own life in 2017. It came to my attention then, that this issue is rarely discussed publicly, until after a horrific event. Well, let’s discuss it, and let’s find common-ground answers on how to help those who are most vulnerable. Let’s give those most vulnerable hope, and a voice.”


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