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Glancer Chicago West


Updated: Feb 20


AURORA–The mind is a power thing. It can make us believe that a simulated experience is real even if we whole-heartedly know in our mind and spirit that it is not.

After walking the red carpet and having our photos taken by the “paparazzi”, we donned our virtual reality headsets and entered the battlefield with our team. It was as if we were real live action figures in a videogame. We could hear each other; we could see each other; but we were not us – we had been transferred into cartoon like characters and transported into another world where we could still see, feel, and touch things. It was us against the zombies that seemed to be coming from every corner. We had to defend ourselves and each other to stay in the game. It was a team effort to not only to score the most individual points but ensure you geared up to take on the masses that were there to defeat us.

With 70+ single and multiplayer games, it’s activity that can be enjoyed by the entire family or a group of all ages from little Johnny to Aunt Sue and Grandpa Bill. Although you don’t move much, the game can be as physical, especially if you choose to play it on the KATVR Omnidirectional Treadmill.

At Thingamajiggz, you can make a day of it and also create memories producing your very own Tik Tok’s in uniquely designed rooms with specialty lighting that enhance the distinctive look you seek. Have the family re-enact that trendy dance or capture a pic with that special someone.

Every corner brings another element of surprise inclusive of the freight elevator and speak easy vibe of the back rooms. Bring your own food and drinks and enjoy a game of billiards, backgammon, or host your own full-blown concert with the best sound system around.

This virtual reality space offers a showroom experience of exceptional fun for all ages.


6000 square foot Virtual Reality Showroom and event space with all the old school games and modern-day amenities including Tik Tok and Social Media Rooms, Flight Simulators, Playstation 5 Gaming Stations, Premium Sound System, and a KATVR Omnidirectional Treadmill.

Thingamajiggz • 195 Fox Valley Ctr., Aurora

(630) 907-7351 •

Hours: 11am-8pm M-Th; 10am-9pm Fri-Sat; and Noon to 6pm Sun

Price $: $15/15 min; $28/30 min; $48/60 min; $68/90 min; and $88/120 min. Receive a 50% discount after 5 visits.

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