CHICAGO–When I first presented the idea of heading to Chicago for a Game Night, I was met with a little resistance; afterall, couldn’t we just play games in our own living room and save the drive and hassle of the city. I really couldn’t offer a reasonable counter claim other than my reputation that Mom’s Little Black Book adventures never disappoint.
So, with grand expectations set in front of us, our group of ten headed to the 4th floor of the Century Shopping Centre in the Lakeview East neighborhood of Chicago, to a private and spacious family-room-like setting with all the comforts of home. We brought our drinks and appetizers and laid out our spread with the complimentary cups, utensils, plates, and napkins provided.

After some time to socialize, our two hosts got the ball rolling and random teams were selected. They then highlighted the general rules of what to expect next in our head-to-head, fast paced, party games that would require us to work as a team while solving puzzles, using logic, showcasing our talents, and thinking quickly to beat the timer!
Laughter ensued as our competitive spirit was awakened and the hosts kept us accountable to the directives while we choreographed each winning point. There was no stage or spotlight. You are not locked in a room trying to escape. This is simple pure fun and games like no other you have ever played.

We found ourselves becoming human shapemakers, artists with invisible ink, timeline masters, blind folded experts, and decoding detectives. We relied heavily on our senses - engaging our listening skills and touch tactility while carefully choosing our words and using our bodies to communicate effectively.
This was a truly entertaining evening filled with high energy, giggles, and camaraderie. What a positively fun night that indeed could not have been replicated at home!

Game Night Out offers live immersive group game night experiences, guided by Hosts! It feels like you’re having a game night party at home, but you can leave the hosting to the professionals. Each experience contains a curated variety of all-original games that has something to offer every personality in your group.
Game Night Out
2828 North Clark Street, 4th Floor, Chicago
(312) 448-7247 • www.GameNightOut.com
Hours: By Appointment
Price $: Prices vary based on experience selected

Kristen Kucharski’s days are never dull, her kids are never bored! Over the years #MomsLittleBlackBook has explored hundreds of kid friendly things to do in our surrounding community and on the road. As her girls have grown and gone away to college, she continues to enjoy unique activities, excursions, day trips, weekend get-a-aways, and road trips while rediscovering my own passion for adventure with friends, girls nights outs, and date nights. In her words “Life is a journey–might as well have fun along the way. Go, fly, roam, travel, voyage, explore, discover!” www.glancermagazine.com/bloggers