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Glancer Chicago West

MOM'S LITTLE BLACK BOOK | Chicago Paragliding

Updated: Feb 20


The air up there in the clouds is very pure and fine, bracing, and delicious. And why shouldn’t it be? —it is the same the angels breathe. — Mark Twain, Roughing It, Chapter XXII, 1886.

Darien resident, Jaro Krupa otherwise known as Jaratron, thoroughly enjoys taking people of all ages in the air to experience the freedom of free flight while ensuring safety via a tandem ride with a certified instructor. He has taken his own children as young as 5 years old and loves growing his flying family through sharing the joys of paragliding. His enthusiasm and comfort are contagious, and you feel nothing but secure as you take flight.

Having been skydiving, hang-gliding, jet packing, and cliff jumping – I was so excited to find paragliding within an hour drive of my house. When I arrived, I met Zipper and Frenchie and discovered that everyone gets a nickname after their first flight, so was eager to claim my own.

I could not have imagined how easy it would be to run behind a pickup truck while tethered to a parachute that quickly grabbed the air and lifted us off the ground. I felt like a kid again as I giggled when my feet defied gravity and the wind breezed across my face. Freedom. That was the feeling. Freedom of stress, freedom of worry, freedom of anything that had previously consumed my mind. Amid 2020, I was relaxed….and it felt amazing.

Jaro passed the toggles to me and guided me to take control of our destiny. He pointed out the clouds and swirls and trained me how to read the sky to gain direction. He was easygoing and confident. It was amazing to hear about the young kids he provided tandem rides too, as well as how far he had traveled independently.

A truly unique and close to home experience that makes you feel a million miles from reality. I earned my wings, and earned my nickname - only to be disclosed to fellow paragliders!


Premier paragliding and powered paragliding school in the Midwest providing tandem rides, equipment, and lessons. West suburban and Darien resident Jaro Krupa guides paragliding, powered paragliding, and kitesurfing and hopes you will become part of their flying family! Tandem rides for any age – even as young as 5!

Chicago Paragliding

34001 E 1900 N Road, Cullom, IL 60929

(708) 935-0177 •

Hours: Flights Vary Depending on Weather

Price $: $250-300 Tandem Rides/Check for Groupons


Naperville mom Kristen Kucharski graduated from Illinois State University in 1992 with an International Business Degree. She has two energetic daughters and her house is always full of children. Kristen’s column titled, Mom's Little Black Book, is a monthly feature written for moms who are looking for ways to keep their kids busy. Read her past columns at

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