AURORA/NAPERVILLE–Whenever I hear the words based on a true story, I’m hooked! October always brings a sense of enchantment and mystery in the crisp cool air as the season changes from warmth and sunshine to crisp and somewhat chilled. With Halloween comes ghosts, ghouls, and trickery; yet, giggles, parties, and make believe, so a Ghost
Those who know me well, also know I love haunted houses and everything Halloween. Opportunities like American Ghost
Walks was another way for me to get my fill during this time of year. I had heard the stories of Aurora having been coined the
"City of Cemeteries" and the rumors of the historic Roundhouse being haunted, but had to see for myself.

Armed with EMF ghost meters, we were guided on a two hour ghost walk tour of Aurora's thriving downtown. We started at the railroad's haunted, 150-year-old roundhouse and were enthralled with the recounts of children playing in the vacated building to tales of Walter Payton’s overnight workers.
We meandered through Aurora's Riverwalk and Stolp Island, and the narratives continued of shocking murders, ghastly crimes and lost souls. We heard of leaps from the Leland Hotel, and treachery over the Fox River dam; and stories of concrete planter boxes with mystery contents beyond the flowering greens.
Our EMF meters were relatively quiet throughout most of the night, but as we paused at our last stopping point, they all went off simultaneously near a manhole in the city’s walkway. We each gazed at each other with big eyes as our guide had just an hour prior shared a story of a woman found deep under the streets.

The tour was filled with interesting historical facts and a great view of the City of Lights that Aurora has so beautifully developed.
Combining a fascination with the paranormal and love of history to uncover the most hauntingly true tales of the paranormal across America and providing entertaining tours that are full of true happenings, and fascinating facts.
American Ghost Walks/Chicago Hauntings
(833) 446-7813
Hours: See website for schedule
Price $: Varies Depending on Selection

Kristen Kucharski’s days are never dull, her kids are never bored! Over the years #MomsLittleBlackBook has explored hundreds of kid friendly things to do in our surrounding community and on the road. As her girls have grown and gone away to college, she continues to enjoy unique activities, excursions, day trips, weekend get-a-aways, and road trips while rediscovering my own passion for adventure with friends, girls nights outs, and date nights. In her words “Life is a journey–might as well have fun along the way. Go, fly, roam, travel, voyage, explore, discover!”