LISLE–October brings a sense of enchantment and mystery in the crisp cool air as the season changes from warmth and sunshine to crisp and somewhat chilled. With Halloween comes ghost, ghouls, and trickery; yet, giggles, parties, and make believe.
This was the perfect time to meet with a local spiritual medium, psychic, and spiritual healer and learn more about myself and the unknown world beyond; so, a friend and I made an appointment sharing very little information ahead of time about who we were and our hopes for discovery.
We both came with an openness to the process as we knew prior to Diana's Spiritual Awakening she was Police Officer and later the first female Police Sgt. in her Department. During her career she worked in many areas of the police department including Patrol Officer, Juvenile, Evidence Technician, DARE, Field Training Officer, Sgt. in Patrol, Supervisor Detective Unit, Public Information Officer. Diana has combined her expertise in Psychic and Mediumship cold case reading with her past in law enforcement to assist with Cold Cases and Active Missing Person Cases.
Within minutes of entering the room, she identified an energy between us that connected our souls and proceeded to share some intimate details that no one would have known outside of ourselves. It was personal……and emotional for us both. It was an unexpected sensation, a weight that you could feel in your chest that was subsequently lifted when the message was revealed. There are no words that can truly describe the encounter, other than to say you just must experience it yourself.
Those subtle symbols that surround us become meaningful – the feather, the owl, the cardinal, the flicker of lights………..the clarity, the closure, the communication…..it was powerful.
Diana has worked on learning the higher levels of the mind and mastered the ability to hear the highest guidance possible from God/Source and will bring that guidance through in your individual and group sessions. Diana has her own unique and healing methods of Spiritual Growth and guidance and can help anyone grow on their spiritual path through classes, sessions, and more.
Diana Kushenbach
Academy of Spiritual Arts
6442 College Road, Lisle
(630) 269-0115
Hours: By appointment or scheduled class times.
Price $: Varies based on session selected.
Naperville mom Kristen Kucharski graduated from Illinois State University in 1992 with an International Business Degree. She has two energetic daughters and her house is always full of children. Kristen’s column titled, Mom's Little Black Book, is a monthly feature written for moms who are looking for ways to keep their kids busy. Read her past columns at www.glancermagazine.com/bloggers