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Glancer Chicago West


by Kristen Kucharski


Each west suburban woman featured this month is filled with ambition and drive, with an undying dedication to their passion. They are driven and creative– each a master multi-tasker who is living a balanced lifestyle while making a positive difference in the lives of others. From giving back to the community through leadership, to helping others achieve their fitness and wellness goals, each story will inspire and encourage you in the new year!


Val McMurrough

Owner, In Home Fitness by Val

WHEATON–Working out - That's where it all started for NASM Certified Personal Trainer Val McMurrough. Her personal fitness regime was as much a mental escape as a physical one for her when she was feeling overwhelmed. Through exercise she was able to tune into her inner strength and regroup to carry on for the day; so, it comes as no surprise that when COVID-19 hit and closed most fitness centers, Val took what she knew best and brought fitness into people’s homes to help provide that mental and physical release to others also struggling.

Her in-home fitness career began 9 years ago as her children Emma (17), Ava (15), Anna (13) entered the school years. She feels blessed to be married to her high school sweetheart who shares the same passion and together they will be also opening Eat The Frog Fitness in Elmhurst this Spring.

“I am having the time of my life and I love working hard for my business, my clients, and my team. I honestly never saw a business coming my way,” Val says. “Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will! Stop thinking and start doing! Being uncomfortable is totally normal, but if you are in action, you are winning not just watching.”

Val is thrilled to be constantly evolving with current culture that meet fitness demands and looks forward to future innovations and revolution to provide an ideal experience and real results.

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