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Glancer Chicago West


by Kristen Kucharski


Each west suburban woman featured this month is filled with ambition and drive, with an undying dedication to their passion. They are driven and creative– each a master multi-tasker who is living a balanced lifestyle while making a positive difference in the lives of others. From giving back to the community through leadership, to helping others achieve their fitness and wellness goals, each story will inspire and encourage you in the new year!


Beth Alberts

Director of Esthetics at Concierge Esthetics and Plastic Surgery

GENEVA/NAPERVILLE/BARRINGTON/CHICAGO–Beth would love to start her own modern beauty channel on YouTube, or another platform, in the next few years! She is inspired and encouraged by the major online influencers, her mother, her daughter, as well as her career as the Director of Esthetics at Concierge Med Spa; after all, even on Beth’s most stressful days, she finds playing with makeup and tutorials is her number one way to decompress!

As a working wife and mom of two young kids, she feels blessed for the support of her family, as well as to the modern advantages of working with a team of mostly women who understand life sometimes must come before work and jump in to help each other when needed.

Beth found the confidence to pursue an education, career, and family from watching her own mother work hard to support her kids while always ensuring to care for herself, which included maintaining a strict skincare regime morning and night, never skipping it even after a long workday.

“She has always supported me and has told me to take what I love and make a career out of it and I feel like I have done exactly that,” Beth shares. “Now with a daughter of my own, I hope that I can inspire her in similar ways. I hope she looks at me and sees a confident and hard-working woman and that she finds what brings her joy and goes for it!”

Beth is thrilled by the modern trend of men also participating in antiaging treatments, as well as younger patients taking interest in the “prejuvenation process.”

“I look at my mom who is 70 and compare her to what my grandma looked like at 70 and there is a huge difference just because of the evolution of hair styling and coloring, oral care, and sunscreen,” Beth adds. “Now with all the developments in non-surgical procedures and medical grade skincare, the next generation is going to look 40 when they are 70! It is so exciting!”

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