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Glancer Chicago West

MODERN MINDED WOMEN | Alicia Gittens McCareins

by Kristen Kucharski


Each west suburban woman featured this month is filled with ambition and drive, with an undying dedication to their passion. They are driven and creative– each a master multi-tasker who is living a balanced lifestyle while making a positive difference in the lives of others. From giving back to the community through leadership, to helping others achieve their fitness and wellness goals, each story will inspire and encourage you in the new year!


Alicia Gittens McCareins

Owner, Research, Evaluation & Consulting Associates, LLC NAPERVILLE–Alicia, PhD and JD from Northwestern University, brings a lifetime of experiences to helping others maximize their potential for growth and success by using a scientific approach to workplace issues to create ethical and effective environments.

She was born in Trinidad, West Indies; emigrated to America as a high school sophomore; and was exposed to upper-level education that brought her in contact with many successful, motivated, and educated people. She began her career teaching traditional psychology courses at the undergraduate university level, was promoted to teaching organization behavior (OB) and organization development (OD) at the graduate school level and started her own company (RECA) as a private practice.

Alicia is excited to witness modern approaches being used to resolve traditional problems, transforming effectiveness, and increasing bottom lines, while also addressing employee needs and exacting loyalty.

“I see recognition of women’s success. I see tolerance for issues that previously plagued the workplace but were ignored (e.g., equal pay, sexual harassment) dissipating, and a renewed respect for the all-encompassing value of women in society,” she shares.

This independent businesswoman, wife, mother, and grandmother has a lot to balance on a daily basis and giving up is never an option for Alicia; so, she conveys the same approach from her career to her family life and vice versa keeping a watchful eye on dreams and the efforts that lead to happy, meaningful, and successful lives.

Her personal pursuit of happiness includes supporting nonprofit programs in her community, as well as nationally and internationally; she also hopes to start a foundation to make educational and other advancement opportunities more readily available to those less fortunate.

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