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Glancer Chicago West

LITERARY LOCAL | Vincent M. Miceli of Bartlett

Updated: Feb 10


BARTLETT–For the last 27 years, Bartlett resident Vincent Miceli has worked as a criminal attorney and never had any plans to author a book. However, as he read to his young daughters as they were growing up, he became bored with reading the same stories over and over again. “I just couldn’t do it anymore,” says Vincent, “so, I made up a story on the spot about a magical bear named Zucco, whose magical fur would shine according to his moods.” From then on, his daughters went to bed excited to hear the next story Vincent would make up for them. His book, The Last Triceracorn (Book One) includes all those made-up stories. After trying to get it published traditionally for over a year, he decided to self-publish, earning five stars from critics and ranking #1 in sales for the last 4 months through Ingram Sparks Printing under Young Adult Fiction Adventure!

The Last Triceracorn is a modern-day fantasy about two strong-willed and gifted sisters who unexpectedly find themselves drawn into this epic tale of worldly destruction, adventure, magic and unusual settings. The race is on to save a mystical creature, and the earth itself, from the evil clutches of both known and unknown enemies. The book is part of a two-book series with Book 2 being published in the next few months.

Currently, The Last Triceracorn (Book One) can be purchased on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and on Vincent’s website,

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