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Glancer Chicago West

LITERARY LOCAL | Mary VanMilligen of Naperville


NAPERVILLE–Longtime Naperville English and Poetry teacher and theatre director Mary VanMilligen always wanted to write a book, but never really found the novel or story she felt compelled to tell. While going through some personal distressing moments in her life, she began to write down her whirlwind of feelings and channeled them into the plot of a novel.

The Glimpse Gift is a witty and moving tale of a young woman, Hope Dempsey, who has lived most of her life with the gift to see two minutes into the future during emotional poignant moments. One New Year’s Eve, at the age of 26, she meets the first of a succession of saints sent to her to mend present-day issues reflective of each particular saint’s journey. With the help of friends in heaven and a handsome local antique dealer, Hope begins the journey of her divine mission.

“I feel my book is incredibly relatable and hopeful to all that persevere,” says Mary, “as well as having a humorous and romantic touch.” To purchase The Glimpse Gift in Kindle, visit online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Lulu and Kobo. Hard copies of the book are also available on

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