CHICAGO–This time of the year is perfect for a spooky story, and Chicago author Lindsay Currie has a new one for your middle-grade readers. Scritch Scratch follows the story of twelve-year-old Claire Koster who becomes haunted by a mysterious young boy after riding along on her father’s ghost tour bus in Chicago. The boy from the bus wants something, and Claire must figure out what…before it’s too late!
The idea for Lindsay’s new book originated with the history behind the ‘ghost’ at the heart of it. “One of my personal passions is obscure or forgotten Chicago history,” says Lindsay. “Although the book is fictional, I spent hours at the Chicago History Museum scouring materials to make sure I not only had my facts straight, but that I was including as much local history as I could in this book.”
Scritch Scratch is not Lindsay’s first foray into writing ghost stories for the middle-grade readers. The success of her debut novel, The Peculiar Incident on Shady Street, paved the way for her to continue writing her spooky stories for kids.
Lindsay Currie’s books can currently be found in bookstores and online retailers.