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Glancer Chicago West

LITERARY LOCAL | David Anthony Witter

Updated: Feb 10


CHICAGO–When Chicago’s historical Berghoff Restaurant closed (to be later reopened) fifteen years ago, people lined up for blocks to visit it “one last time”. It had been around for almost 100 years and was the first business to obtain a liquor license after Prohibition. News segments and articles began to mourn “Chicago’s lost treasures”, so David Anthony Witter got the idea to find the history of other old, treasured restaurants, bars and businesses and wrote a cover story for New City. The story received an overwhelming response in letters and emails, so he decided why not add other landmarks such as parks, homes, cemeteries, etc. and turn it into a book.

In Oldest Chicago, you get to know the history and stories of the Windy City’ most iconic buildings like The First United Methodist Church (1831) and The Old Water Tower (1859) along with landmark businesses such as Margie’s Candies (1921), The Jaeger Funeral Home (1858), and Anderson’s Books (1875). Finally, there is Chicago’s unique food and drink. Oldest Chicago documents the firsts, including among many others: Uno’s, Chicago’s oldest deep-dish pizza, Superdawg, the oldest drive-in, and Chicago’s Oldest Bar, Marge’s Still (1885). “Many of these places are still run by the same family members,” says David. “I interviewed owners, chief proprietors and longtime employees. I believe this gives a first-hand documentary feel to the book.”

You can currently find the second edition of Oldest Chicago online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

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