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LISLE | New Strategic Master Plan for the Community Shows the Future of Parks & Recreation

LISLE | New Strategic Master Plan for the Community  Shows the Future of Parks & Recreation

The Lisle Park District Wants You to Imagine the Future of Parks and Recreation

Lisle–The Lisle Park District is embarking on a journey to create a new Strategic Master Plan to shape future park, recreation, and open space needs. Lisle Park District residents are invited to participate in this process to help the park district imagine what future parks, programs, special events, and recreation facilities could look like.

The Lisle Park District has hired PROS Consulting, Inc. a leader in parks and recreation consulting nationwide and their Principal, Neelay Bhatt, will be leading this project along with ETC Institute, a statistically valid survey firm from Kansas City.

“Lisle Park District’s wide array of offerings ranging from the award-winning Sea Lion Aquatic Park to Community Park and River Bend Golf Club to Fitness and Recreation Centers provide an enriching experience for all ages. This Strategic Master Plan is a living document that will be shaped BY the community and help shape THE community now and for years to come,” said Neelay Bhatt, a national leader in park system planning and the Principal with Indianapolis-based PROS Consulting. “The best plans are ones where the community is involved from the very beginning, and through this process, we will work with the district to ensure everyone who wishes to participate in the plan will have an opportunity to do so,” said Bhatt.

The park district will conduct a hybrid public input meeting to gather feedback from residents. This meeting will be open to all and will enable individuals to attend in-person or virtually and learn about Lisle Park District’s future demographics and recreation trends while participating through live polling, Q&A, and public comments. The meeting will be on Monday, June 20, 2022, from 6:30-7:30pm with in-person participation at the Lisle Park District Recreation Center, 1925 Ohio Street, and online via Zoom webinar.

“During this meeting, we’ll be providing an overview of the project and facilitating discussion with attendees to help prioritize park district services. These services include parks and park amenities, recreation programming and events, and facilities, including Sea Lion Aquatic Park, Community Park Fitness, Senior Center, The Museums at Lisle Station Park, and more,” says Dan Garvy, Lisle Park District’s Director of Parks & Recreation. “With limited funding and considering the current labor and economic challenges, we need help from the community to determine where to allocate resources to assure we remain an accurate reflection of the recreational values of those we serve.”

The consulting team has also developed an ADA-accessible, multilingual crowdsourcing website to guide this project at “This site will serve as a one-stop shop to provide all plan updates, list meeting dates, host online surveys, and ensure people can share their input any time during the planning process. Additionally, those who are unable to attend the public meeting can also view the meeting recording and share their feedback later,” said Bhatt.

Meetings with key community leaders, staff, and user groups will also be conducted in June and this meeting will be followed by a statistically valid survey mailed to a random sample of Lisle Park District residents.

You can register for the Virtual Public Meeting or contact Dan Garvy, Director of Parks & Recreation, by email at or call 630-353-4310.

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