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Glancer Chicago West

GLANCING THE GALLANT | A Wheaton Birthday Party Transformation Filled with Color


What was supposed to be a Science Party with Mr. Lee at Moore Toys in Wheaton for Morgan Gravlin’s 7th birthday, was transformed into a Color Run due to the “Stay at Home Order” and quick thinking on her mother’s part.

Karen, who works in meeting and event planning, remembered Morgan received a color powder party pack last year for her birthday that had yet to be opened; and after the Wheaton Color Run was cancelled in April, she had the idea to use that powder for their very own color run which subsequently turned into a magical birthday run, inclusive with matching shirts, rainbow socks, and headbands!

“We have race bibs too and our numbers are our respective birthday, ex: Morgan's is 0523; her brother's is 0507; and the numbers all say #teamquarantine,” Karen says. “I also had a custom trophy made for the event which we will give her along with her cake at the finish line.”

Karen used Google to map out the addresses of Morgan’s friends and divided color packets for the 17 stops. She preceded to drop off bags filled with the powder, a thank you note, confetti, and cupcakes so friends could shower them as they passed their individual homes on race day!

“I just really wanted to create a memorable experience for her birthday,” Karen shares. “This combines our shared love for running, being together as a family and being able to see - and celebrate with - her friends!” - Kristen Kucharski

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