WOODRIDGE– In light of the recent surge of COVID-19 cases sweeping the region, out of an abundance of caution West Suburban Community Pantry has temporarily shifted to curbside only service in Woodridge but has developed three ways families can still receive groceries safely and with the variety they choose.
The Pantry has reinstated the prepacked boxes that can be picked up curbside, as they had offered at the beginning of the pandemic. Customers can receive two prepacked boxes offering approximately 95 pounds of groceries including a selection dry goods, fresh produce, frozen protein, dairy and bakery items with a no pork option. Customers wishing to choose their own groceries can do so from a curbside menu from the safety of their car when they arrive at the Pantry and have their selections boxed and delivered to their car. Additionally, the Pantry features a Virtual Food Pantry allowing customers to order their specific grocery selections online up to 24-hours before they come to pick them up curbside at a location and day convenient to them. Users of the Virtual Pantry may register for the service at www.virtualfoodpantry.net.
“Our first priority is to keep our customers, staff and volunteers healthy and safe,” says Pantry Executive Director Laura Coyle. “We are also aware that access to the vaccine can be more challenging to people living in poverty due to a number of issues including language, education, work, transportation and childcare. Many of our customers are among populations who would be especially at risk if infected. We are doing everything we can to maintain the choice and dignity that are the hallmarks of our service while keeping people safe.”
Pantry staff will continue to offer one-on-one case management services to individuals in need of assistance applying for SNAP benefits or qualifying for LIHEAP (Low Income Energy Assistance Program) and can refer clients to additional services as needed, either in person at the Pantry or by telephone. For case management assistance, contact the Pantry at 630-512-9921 or email kjachymiak@wscpantry.org.For food distribution hours and additional information on the West Suburban Community Pantry visit www.wscpantry.org