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Glancer Chicago West

DINE ON DUANE | Opening In Glen Ellyn In Early June


In a continued effort to support the business community during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Glen Ellyn Village Board passed a resolution at the May 26 Village Board Meeting granting approval rights to expedite plans for additional outdoor dining and shopping opportunities throughout the Village.

As part of Phase 3 of Governor Pritzker’s Restore Illinois plan, bars and restaurants are allowed to re-open with outdoor seating. Beginning Friday, May 29, many of Glen Ellyn’s dining establishments will re-open their outdoor cafes and seating areas.

Additionally, the Village is investing in creating an outdoor community dining venue, Dine on Duane. Dine on Duane, to be located directly in front of the Civic Center at 535 Duane Street, just east of Main Street, will offer the opportunity for residents and visitors to pick up their food and beverages from downtown restaurants and enjoy alfresco while maintaining safe social-distancing.

While restaurants will begin outdoor dining services as early as Friday, May 29, Dine on Duane is expected to open in early June. The Dine on Duane site plan, which will occupy the eastbound lane of Duane Street between Main Street and the Civic Center drive, will include a 120 foot tent, picnic tables, festive lighting and turf grass just outside the tent for additional seating.

Village staff is continuing to coordinate logistics regarding cleaning, garbage and sanitation stations for the outdoor dining venue. In addition, other smaller scale outdoor dining pocket parks are planned in the downtown, which will include locations on both the north and south side of the tracks.

“Our local small businesses are the cornerstone of Glen Ellyn. We want to thank the community for their overwhelming support of our restaurants during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Village President Diane McGinley. “Developing Dine on Duane and other outdoor dining options gives the Village the opportunity to welcome residents and visitors back into our downtown to enjoy shopping and dining.”

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