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CRIME | Two Chicago Women Charged with Stealing More Than $1,400 Worth of Merchandise from Oak Brook

Updated: Sep 7, 2023

Two Chicago Women Charged with Stealing More Than $1,400 Worth of Merchandise from Oak Brook

One of the Shoplifters Bit One of the Officers During a Brief Struggle

Shoplifting and smash & grabs have been on the rise the last couple of years and a popular store in west suburban Oak Brook is the latest target.

On the afternoon of September 6, 2023, an Oak Brook police officer observed a suspicious vehicle in the parking lot of the Nordstrom Rack store with an out of state temporary license plate that was backed into a parking spot, unoccupied and left running. It is alleged two women, later identified as Destiny Jackson and Alexis Glenn, arrived at the Nordstrom Rack in the vehicle and then went in the store. It is alleged that after approximately three minutes, both defendants exited the store carrying shopping bags filled with approximately $1,471 worth of fragrances that neither defendant had paid for. It is further alleged that when confronted by officers, the defendants threw the bags of merchandise on the ground and attempted to flee on foot. It is alleged that Jackson was tackled by an officer and that during a struggle she bit the officer. Glenn was taken into custody approximately two-hundred yards away after a brief foot pursuit.

DuPage County State’s Attorney Robert Berlin and Oak Brook Chief of Police Brian Strockis announced that bond was set today for two women accused of stealing from the Shops at Oak Brook Nordstrom Rack store on 22nd Street. Jackson and Glenn, both of Chicago, each appeared at a bond hearing on September 7, 2023 where Judge Brian Telander set bond at $20,000 with 10% to apply for Jackson and at $10,000 with 10% to apply for Glenn. The State had asked for a bond of $75,000 with 10% to apply for both Jackson and Glenn. Both defendants are charged with one count of Burglary (Class 2 Felony) and two counts of Retail Theft (one Class 3 and one Class 4 Felony). Additionally, Jackson is charged with one count of Aggravated Battery to a Police Officer (Class 2 Felony) for allegedly biting one of the officers during a brief struggle.

“The allegations that these two women drove to the Nordstrom Rack store and left their car running in the parking lot while they helped themselves to more than $1,400 worth of merchandise and simply walked out without paying, are shocking,” Berlin said. “Even more disturbing is the allegation that Jackson bit an officer, breaking his skin, as she was being arrested. The fact that Oak Brook police officers were waiting for them when they walked out of the store is a testament to the truly outstanding work of the Oak Brook Police Department. The extremely quick apprehension of the defendants in this case sends the unmistakable message that in DuPage County, if you commit this type of crime, you will be caught, charged and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I thank the Oak Brook Police Department for their quick heads-up work in this case and for their ongoing efforts in protecting our retail establishments in DuPage County. I also thank Assistant State’s Attorneys Connor Greene and Michael Pingaj for their efforts on this case.”

“This is another example of our pro-active policing strategies working to deter crime and enforce the law,” Strockis said. “Our undercover officers are out in our retail areas looking for suspicious activity which is resulting in significant arrests and recovered stolen property. It’s disgusting that the suspect bit an officer attempting to elude arrest and I’m grateful he was not severely injured. We will not accept or tolerate this type of behavior in Oak Brook and will continue to keep our retail establishments safe. I’d like to thank State’s Attorney Bob Berlin and his team for their guidance and assistance on this case.”

The next court appearance for both defendants is scheduled for October 5, 2023, for arraignment in front of Judge Telander.

Members of the public are reminded that this complaint contains only charges and is not proof of the defendants’ guilt. The defendants are presumed innocent and are entitled to a fair trial in which it is the government’s burden to prove their guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

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