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COVID-19 | Naperville Park District Addresses CBS2 Report Regarding Large Athletic Event


Earlier this evening, CBS 2 Chicago reported on a football event that occurred at the Naperville Park District’s Commissioners Park this past weekend. They questioned why the Park District allowed a large gathering to occur during the event in light of COVID-19 restrictions. It is important to note that the event was not run by the Park District, but rather one conducted by an independent organization through a rental of athletic field space.

All park users are required to adhere to the guidelines established by the state, which are supported by the Park District under the Restore Illinois Plan. The group that rented the field space failed to meet those guidelines. Upon learning of concerns associated with the event, the Park District took immediate action to address the conduct of the group in question.

The health and safety of our residents is a top priority, and the Naperville Park District continues to encourage all residents to follow established COVID-19 guidelines.

About the Naperville Park District: Created in 1966, the Naperville Park District is an independent, municipal agency serving the recreation needs of its residents. The District is one of only 1% of park districts across the country to be nationally accredited through the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA). The Naperville Park District’s mission is to provide recreation and park experiences that promote healthy lives, healthy minds and a healthy community. The District maintains and operates more than 2,400 acres with 136 parks and provides more than 1,500 recreational, arts and environmental programs and special events annually. Included within the District’s operations are two championship golf courses, a multitude of playgrounds, trails, athletic courts and sports fields, Fort Hill Activity Center, Knoch Knolls Nature Center, two inline skating and skateboarding facilities, the Millennium Carillon, a paddle boat quarry, historic Centennial Beach, and the beautiful Riverwalk.

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