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Glancer Chicago West

COVER STORY | Living Her Dream Opening Cocoa Mona’s In 2020, Meet Ramona Smith

Ramona Smith, Founder of Cocoa Mona's
Ramona Smith, Founder of Cocoa Mona's

Meet Ramona Smith, the Sweets & Treats Maker Behind Cocoa Mona’s Inc.

BATAVIA/ST. CHARLES/NORTH AURORA–Resourceful, relentless and resilient, Ramona has pursued her passion of cooking and creating foods that are delicious and fun to eat.

The journey began back in 1995 when a friend invited her to bring her homemade candies to a local craft show. She sold out of all 200 candies on the first day, went home and made more and sold out again on the second day.

The following year, she did a few more craft shows and made candy for friends, family, and private events; however, the responsibilities of motherhood, the pursuit of Bachelors in Education, and a Masters in Educational Leadership left little time for candy making until 2019.

“When COVID 19 hit, I suddenly had time to pivot back to my passion.” Ramona says. “With the encouragement and the support of her family, Cocoa Mona’s Inc. became a bonafide small business in 2020. The adage ole, “She believed she could, so she did” became a reality, and now Cocoa Mona’s Chocolate can be found at the Rustic Fox in North Aurora seven days a week.

Ramona is living her dream, but somehow also finds time to teach 5th grade and coaching at West Aurora School District 129. She also ensures to be fully present for her husband of 34 years, Keith Smith, a retired Kane County Deputy, their six children, fourteen grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. Ramona is a big believer in “being someone you would be proud to know”.

-Kristen Kucharksi, Photos Submitted

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