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Glancer Chicago West

COVER STORY | Carrie Thomas, Doing What She Loves


WHEATON–Carrie has been a salon owner and hairdresser for the past 38 years in Wheaton. She absolutely loves making people feel beautiful and confident through makeup and hair. She wholeheartedly believes in the happier you are, the more beautiful overall you become and treasures the chances to work with clients and add positivity in their life through outward expression.

By nature, Carrie is a creative spirit and also appreciates being her own kind of beautiful. She was inspired by a unique bracelet in 2012 at the Kane County Fairgrounds to bring her own unique flare and authenticity to old objects. DIY projects are ingrained in her soul and bringing trash to treasure fills her passion bucket deeply.

She lives by the words, “feed your focus, starve your distraction” so used her entrepreneurial background to open another business, Whimsy Beauty Design, a retail space that allows her to think outside the box, creating one-of-a-kind accessories such as pins, hats, scarves, vintage items, belts, and jewelry, as well as clothing, home decor, and seasonal items - many of which are upcycled and green.

Carrie’s whimsical, timeless pieces can be found inside Trend+Relic, St. Charles; Rustic Fox, North Aurora; The Vintage Marketplace, North Aurora; and at the Kane County Flea Market.

“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself ”

–Coco Chanel

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