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Glancer Chicago West

WOMEN INSPIRED | Bridgette Grissette Shares On Opening Her Own Consulting Business

Updated: Feb 7, 2022


OSWEGO–Bridgette is resilient, strong, and blessed, and determined to be a good example to her children (ages 16 and 24) by showing them that it is never too late to be who you aspire to be and show them they can do anything that they put their mind to with hard work and resilience.

Just two years ago, she herself forged ahead and opened her own business, 547 Consulting ( to educate individuals and families about finances. She assists with legacy building, cash flow, debt management, credit building, building wealth, and preserving wealth.

“I love the freedom that comes with being a businesswoman,” she says. “The possibilities are endless and the opportunity for growth is huge. I make sure to create a schedule and stick to it to the best of my ability.”

As a woman of strong faith and a prayer warrior, creating balance is a must for Bridgette.

“I spend a lot of time with God,” she openly shares. “I also make time for self-care and make sure to get pedicures, facials, and massages as of often as possible. We must be good to ourselves; we cannot pour from an empty cup.”

Bridgette refreshes her days by leading a ministry page on Facebook called Sister’s Circle. She feels called to minister and encourages others, especially women. She further surrounds herself with other independent, strong, inspiring women through various networking groups such as the South Aurora Chapter of WESOS (Women Entrepreneurs Secrets of Success).

“You are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God, and you are able to do all things through Christ who strengthens you!” –Kristen Kucharski

Photos by Mike Catuara

Copyright 2021-Glancer Magazine, Inc.

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