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Glancer Chicago West

COVER STORY | Awesome Aunt Meet Katie Palombit of Lisle/Algonquin

Updated: Jul 7, 2020


It’s been said that only aunts can love you like a mother, keep secrets like a sister, and share in the joys like a true friend.

Family is very important to Katie. She grew up with two very special Aunts in her life and had the pleasure to travel to different places with both; Katie hopes to carry on the travel experiences with her niece and nephews, Caiden (12) and newly born twins, Ellie and Benjamin.

Starting local, Katie has already traveled to Chicago with her nephew Caiden and treasures the memory of their experience at the SafeHouse when they worked together investigating secret passageways and interactive spy gadgets throughout the restaurant. She thoroughly enjoyed witnessing the crowning moment when Caiden figured out the secret passcode for their escape. Not that she is biased or anything, but she thinks he is perhaps the smartness and most handsome kid in town! Katie is looking forward to sharing similar experiences with Ellie & Benny as they get older.

Regardless of how busy work gets for Katie, locating temporary housing for policyholders that have been displaced on an insurance claim, she always finds time for family, friends, and volunteering as the

Marketing Chair for the Eyes to the Skies Festival in Lisle. Even during quarantine, she carved out virtual time to engage with her nephew via word games over texts, Zoom calls, and as the weather got warmer, a few outdoor social distance gatherings.

Once things return to normal, she looks forward to taking her niece and nephews to the beach, the pool, get-a-ways to Lake Geneva and Whitewater Lake, and looks forward to planning more family outings and vacations, with Italy being at the top of her list!

Being an Aunt has become Katie’s favorite role in life, but she still mandates four basic rules:

1. Bedtime is WHENEVER

2. The Answer is always YES

3. I will always have your back

4. Hugs are MANDATORY


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