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Glancer Chicago West

COVER STORY | Awesome Aunt, Cari Chidley of Naperville


It’s been said that only aunts can love you like a mother, keep secrets like a sister, and share in the joys like a true friend.

On any given summer day, Cari can typically be found sitting sideline at one of her nephew’s baseball games even though he lives over an hour away. Distance will not keep Cari from her sister’s children, Jake (11) and Ellie (20). In fact, she’s taken many special trips together with them, creating memories all over the country. Jake’s favorite was when his aunt took him to the Louisville Slugger Museum in Kentucky, receiving a famous Louisville Slugger bat with his name imprinted on it.

Cari has also thoroughly enjoyed the next chapter of her niece’s life as she is growing up, allowing for quaint trips with just the two of them to places like Door County, WI. Ellie has also asked her favorite aunt to take her back to college in August to start her junior year, and the two of them are hoping for a European adventure next summer since Ellie’s study abroad program was cut short this past semester due to COVID-19.

Between backyard picnics to Face Timing and texting, Cari maintained a strong connection with her niece and nephew through the phases of Restore Illinois.

As a 5th Grade Teacher, Cari is fortunate to have the summers available to spend quality time with them, and she loves to travel, be outdoors, and is an avid Cubs fan. Growing up, Cari had seven aunts and can especially remember spending time with her Aunt Bea, learning special crafts like knitting.

Cari looks forward to carrying on her own special traditions with her niece and nephew, hoping to create memories that they will remember for a lifetime.


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