by Kristen Kucharski
Photos by Mike Catuara
NAPERVILLE–As a young, active, working mother, Kimberly already knows the value of living in balance and learning from the people around her - taking in their life stories of hope, sorrow and strength - and applying a bit of each to her own journey.
As the Wellness Manager for Naperville Park District’s Fort Hill Activity Center, she brings her energetic, compassionate, and fun-loving personality to connect with a community that is striving for the same purpose.

Maintaining her own fitness level, while creating long lasting habits, such as reducing sugar, adding more vegetables, more cardio, and holding herself accountable via a co-worker and group exercise classes are few of her goals. Using daily tools such as MyFitness Pal and MyZone, and capping off the night with “Sleepy Time Tea” and meditation help balance her day.
“My life is full of flavor; I experience as much as I can and share what I am able to with others,” Kimberly says. “I enjoy learning their why and what it means to each person to feel good, and I thrive on trying to meet their expectations”.

She loves the many offerings of Fort Hill Activity Center that help her feel strong, capable, confident, courageous, and powerful, but is especially drawn to NeuroFlex Fitness and assisting people who are living with neurological conditions.
The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. –Walt Disney