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Glancer Chicago West

COVER STORY | 3 Local eMoms to Love

Updated: May 4, 2020


When businesses close to the public but work and school do not stop, we turn to technology to keep life moving forward. These west suburban eMoms show us how they use the tools of the trade to help others succeed during difficult times.

Kati Deutschle of Bloomingdale Kati is expecting her first child after a fertility quest with egg freezing and seven rounds of IVF. Along the way, she discovered there was an unmet need of education, emotional support and financial assistance surrounding infertility and fertility treatments; hence why she co-founded emBorrow. Through emBorrow members are supported financially and emotionally during their fertility journeys using personal calls, emails, Facebook groups, Google meetings, and personal payment plans fit for any budget; and regardless of member location, technology keeps the group tightly bonded. Kati personally uses the "What to Expect" app to monitor her pregnancy progression, as well as the “Relax Melodies” for relaxation. She also loves barre classes and cooking and cannot wait to take their child to her husband’s home country of Argentina to visit family!

Aarti Gautam of Naperville Aarti has practiced the Virtual Yoga approach since 2014, years before online classes became popular. She has taught clients from India, London, California, Seattle, New Jersey and New York; in addition, she will also be opening a brick and mortar location called BreathePower- Yoga in Naperville in June. As a mom of two boys, one with special needs, Aarti aims to make Yoga accessible to all ages and abilities, specializing in virtual sessions with seniors and those with limited mobility with chair incorporated Yoga flow. She also hosts interactive Kids Virtual Yoga; and virtual privates for yogic management of migraine, gastrointestinal disorders, joint ailments, and an approach alongside chemotherapy and immuno therapy. To personally relax, Aarti uses the Yoga Nidra technique from the Insight Timer App. She also uploads videos for all abilities to the "ifeeliyoga" YouTube channel.

Lisa Lombardi of Batavia/Geneva Lisa is a leader in the relationship community, and has traveled nationwide for and FOX Broadcasting. Now settled in Batavia with her husband and teenage sons, she is a Certified Professional Life Coach with Lisa Lombardi Coaching, Inc. in Geneva. She loves motivating adults who are feeling unsettled and seek more out of life. She also helps kids build self-esteem and confidence, typically working in-person and hosting workshops through various park districts; however, during the “Stay at Home” order, she turned to Google hangouts, YouTube private videos, texting privileges, eblasts, and ZOOM to provide continuous client support and structure. Lisa personally uses destressing tools such as online comedy and digital music, along with physical activity when life is feeling chaotic; and finds true solace in volunteering. -Kristen Kucharski


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