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Glancer Chicago West

COVER FEATURE | Christina Lee Embry, Party Host to Know


“Live for today, plan for tomorrow, party tonight! A good party provides a lifetime of great vibes!”

WHEATON–Never underestimate the power of a woman watching Real Housewives and drinking wine, as it is here that the best ideas for self-sufficiency and providing for your children as a single mom are created!

All jokes aside, that is exactly what Christina did when she was about to become a single mom and needed a plan. She was watching the Real Housewives and noticed they all had bartenders, waitstaff, and event coordinators. Having a background in all those, combined with a love of throwing great parties, she decided to pull together all her savings and become an entrepreneur; hence Traveling Tavern was born in 2018.

Historically, Christina started working in the bar industry at a very young age and by twenty-one, she became the youngest and first female manager at a large, busy night club in Pensacola, Florida. She also always hosted Halloween and Christmas Eve parties and had a knack for mixology and creating unique one-of-a-kind cocktails that made every event a success.

She honed the skill of catering outstanding customer service and translated that to becoming known as the best party host in town with her traveling bar, karaoke, and trivia parties; as well as the gift of also bringing that party to children in the hospital.

Growing up Christina had a friend who spent most of his days in the hospital. She recalls his mom decorating his hospital room for every occasion - Easter, Birthday, St. Paddy's Day, etc. - and how it transformed the cold walls of the hospital and made it feel like home; so, she created Traveling Wishes with a mission to bring the party to them during their challenge and decorate as many hospital walls as possible.

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