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Glancer Chicago West

COMING LABOR DAY WEEKEND | Plans Set for Naperville Jaycees 2023 Last Fling

Updated: Apr 25, 2023


The 2023 Last Fling will take place Labor Day Weekend is the same block party-style format as last year.

Glancer Magazine is a proud 2023 sponsor and we encourage other local businesses to also get involved. Save the date to join the community in enjoying the weekend’s live music, food and beverages, and carnival fun along Jackson Avenue in downtown Naperville!

As their largest yearly event, the Naperville Jaycees rely upon monetary and physical support from community partners and in-person volunteers. Whether you’re interested in a traditional sponsorship package or a customized plan to fit your budget or target audience, they can work with you to develop the best option for your business. For further information and Sponsorship Brochure, please visit For information on how you, your business or organization can get involved, please contact

Volunteering at the Last Fling is unlike any other opportunity of its kind! Not only will you be able to spend time with family, friends or coworkers while making a difference for the community BUT you can also volunteer as a representative for a non-profit, school or other type of 501c3 organization; earning extra for that group! To learn more, please visit or email to

Get ready for the 2023 Naperville Jaycees Last Fling! We hope to glance you there....


The Naperville Jaycees is a not-for-profit service organization for young professionals dedicated to offering Naperville-area residents the opportunity to better themselves and to grow personally and professionally while giving through community service and fundraising efforts. The group’s annual events include: East Egg Hunt, Lobster Day and countless other worthwhile projects that positively impact the community. The group also organizes and staffs the Last Fling in close cooperation with the City of Naperville, the Naperville Park District, numerous Naperville community organizations and hundreds of volunteers. Proceeds from the Last Fling over the past two decades have exceeded $2M for other nonprofit organizations in Naperville and surrounding communities. Monthly meetings are open to all and are held on the second Tuesday of each month at Judd Kendall VFW (908 West Jackson Avenue) in Naperville. Please call the chapter's hotline at (630) 961-9375 or visit their website at for more details. For more information, please visit:

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