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Glancer Chicago West

CARING + SHARING | Giftmart at Bardwell School Aurora


For decades, the hallmark of holiday charity programs has been the “adopt-a-family” model in which families who have no money to buy gifts for their children are matched up with those who desire to be generous at Christmas time. While children in recipient families are excited by the arrival of brightly wrapped gifts at the front door, and donor families feel an abundance of joy that comes from sharing at Christmas, the recipient parents often struggle with a loss of pride as their failure to provide is highlighted in front of their children.

Giftmart seeks to re-imagine the holiday charity model. Every December, the generosity of communities is harnessed to do more than just place toys under the tree in low-income neighborhoods. Our focus is fourfold:

Provide parents of low-income elementary schools a dignified way to acquire gifts for their children at Christmas time.Provide educational funding for low-income schools.Provide an introduction to individuals in outlying communities that highlights the needs of the target neighborhood.Encourage parental involvement at the local elementary school.

Volunteers can choose from a number of different service opportunities including: wrapping gifts, entertaining children, serving food, managing traffic through the building and helping parents shop.

December 14th

6 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Bardwell Elementary School

550 S. Lincoln Avenue

Aurora, IL 60505

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