Earlier today Edward/Elmhurst Hospitals released an important announcement re: COVID-19 limitations at their facilities.
It states:
"Because of the rise in COVID-19 cases and to protect patients, staff and the community, Edward-Elmhurst Health is restricting routine visitation at all of its locations, effective Tuesday, December 28, 2021.
• No routine visitors will be allowed in EEH hospitals (Edward Hospital, Elmhurst Hospital, Linden Oaks Behavioral Health) or other settings until further notice.
• Adult patients with an appointment or visiting EEH physician offices, ambulatory care centers, emergency departments or immediate cares must come alone.
• Companions or Care Partners who remain must wait in their vehicle.
• Exceptions for approved Care Partners will be taken into consideration.
• All public areas of EEH’s buildings, including cafes, coffee shops, gift shops and common waiting areas, will be closed to patients and approved Care Partners.
Get more details here https://bit.ly/346BVm5