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Glancer Chicago West

BOOK CLUB | World's Largest Book Club Rebrands, Start Your Own West Suburban Chapter


The Girly Book Club, has officially rebranded as The Gloss Inc. With a new brand, logo and website, all things GBC have officially become glossy. The book club currently operated across 15 countries in over 150 communities with over 150,000 members. The largest of its kind, bringing women together face-to-face (when safely possible) since 2008. The new mission statement sums up the ethos of the company: "More than a book club, The Gloss starts the conversation—leading to a deeper, more meaningful connection and providing the foundation for friendship."

The Gloss provides in-person and online book discussions for those seeking others to connect with over a good book. According to the founder, Erin Woodward, the charge was overdue. "We've known for some time that the name didn't adequately represent what we were doing. It served its purpose and it's time to move on. We're still a book club for women and non-binary individuals, but we don't read a lot of "girly" books and we're for a more mature audience. I think our new name reflects that. It was also time for a refresh; we needed a new site desperately and a new logo to remain relevant in a changing world. We've taken the pandemic to truly figure out who we are and what we want to offer to our wonderful community of book worms. At our heart, we're about connection and community, which has never been as important as it is now and Gloss stands for Glossary – you use it to navigate your way through a book, like we hope you'll use the Gloss to navigate your way through your life – with the friendships you'll make."

The Gloss offers a yearly membership that includes entry to all meetings (in person or online), a nifty tote bag, the monthly meet the author interview, voting privileges, authors events, as well as access to our book giveaways! We all read the same book at the same time and meet up in our respective communities to discuss. There's also a wonderful community on social media to discuss the book with those across the world. We are starting new chapters daily in a community near you. Get in touch.

SOURCE The Gloss Inc

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