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AUTUMN FARMER'S MARKETS | Shop Outdoors for All of Your Fall Favorites and Support Local


Fall is the perfect time to enjoy community open-air markets, also known as farmers markets. With many towns offering unique selections to their market, we encourage our readers to visit those located outside of their neighborhood as well. There are so many surprises you’ll love! Open air markets are a great way to celebrate season...while shopping at the same time. Enjoy!



DOWNERS GROVE – Downers’ Grove Farmer’s Market

At the Main Street Train Station on Burlington Avenue

7am to 12:30pm on Saturdays through Ocober 17

Since the mid-1990s, the Indian Boundary YMCA along with the village of Downers Grove has jointly sponsored the Downtown Downers Grove Market. With over 30 vendors in 2020, visitors enjoy and fresh and organic foods from different farming vendors and also find treasures from many downtown area businesses.

NAPERVILLE – Naperville Farmer’s Market

200 East. 5th Avenue, Naperville, Held Year Round

During June-November 40+ vendors hosted every Saturday 7am-noon and during the winter select vendors are still onsite. Contact them directly for availability. Enjoy a farm-to-table meal with a plethora of locally grown food. You'll also find an array products, performances and events, making this a great destination for the whole family!

GLEN ELLYN – Glen Ellyn French Market

546 Duane Street, Sundays, 8am-1pm

Visit downtown Glen Ellyn for locally grown produce, organic meats, fresh flowers, baked goods, jewelry and much more. This French Market is well known throughout the community and residents love it. Each week you’ll have a chance to meet a local Not-For-Profit at the French Market.

WHEATON – Wheaton French Market

Downtown Wheaton at Main and Liberty - Inside & Outside

Saturdays 8am-2pm through November 9

A French styled open air market where you will find fresh local produce, bread, cheese, meat,flowers, artisan foods & crafts, and gifts for the home.



AURORA - Aurora Farmer’s Market

Water Street • Parking at Benton & Water Street

Saturdays 8am-12pm through October 17

Support local farmers, grab a bite to eat and enjoy beautiful downtown Aurora. This year, the market will be following social distance rules and everyone will be required to wear a mask. Please stay home if you are sick. Vendors will handle products until sale. Please note- no eating on site will be permitted.

BATAVIA – Batavia Farmer’s Market

Located on River Street & the Lot on Spring Street

Saturdays, 8am-12pm through October 17

The Batavia Farmer’s Market is located on River Street and in the adjacent parking lot at Spring Street in Downtown Batavia. Held each Saturday and hosted by Batavia MainStreet, the market has made many changes in an effort to keep the market open and accessible to those who depend on it. Come out and support local farmers. Grab lunch and enjoy it outside with a view of the Fox. Then stroll downtown and stop in a shop or two. Masks are required. Look for details about the new consumer and vendor expectations at Batavia Farmers' Market . Photo by Batavia Main Street

ELGIN – Downtown Elgin Farmer’s Market

Located on Spring Street, Downtown Elgin

Friday, 3pm-7pm through October 16

Now in a new location, this area was selected to allow enough space between vendor booths to observe a six-foot social distance due to COVID-19. Last year over 1,000 visitors shopped the market every week and so far, this has been another amazing year. This season marks the 20th Anniversary of the Downtown Elgin Farmers Market.

GENEVA – Geneva French Market

Located at South and Fourth Streets

Sundays, 9am-2pm through Early November

Come get your fresh fix of food, vegetables, flowers and more at the Geneva French Market. This open-air market gives patrons an opportunity to interact with a variety of local businesses each week. This year's market will follow Illinois' health guidelines due to the coronavirus pandemic.

MAPLE PARK – The Wiltse Farm Farmer’s Market

50W379 IL-38

Monday-Saturday, 9am-5pm, Sundays, 9am-4pm

The Wiltse family has been growing and selling vegetables for four generations. They open the greenhouse in the spring with quailty greenhouse products and contiune with seasonal veggies from A to Z through fall.



OSWEGO – Oswego Country Market

Sundays through October 18, 9am-1pm

Downtown Oswego on Main Street

This fresh air market is the best place to shop each week for locally grown produce, fresh farm eggs, raw honey, delicious Wisconsin cheese, and fresh baked bread. While spending time downtown, stop to visit the many stores open during the Oswego Country Market.


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