St. Charles resident Sara Brunetti is a full-time mom to two little girls and a full-time artist. “To follow your dreams, you need to work hard,” says Sara, “and if that means staying up late into the night painting away in my attic studio while everyone sleeps, I do it!” She can usually be found producing multiple paintings at one time, so she enjoys working mainly with acrylics because they dry fast and are easy to clean up. Every piece is an original work and each one is different.
“I have always loved painting and creating,” says Sara. “My mother is a wonderful floral designer and her creative process inspired me as a child. That might be why I enjoy painting flowers so much.” Sara shares that she is most excited when someone connects with a piece and decides they must have it.
Along with sharing a booth together with her mom at Antiques of Winfield, Sara is part of the Curated American Artist Team which sells artwork nationwide to Kirkland’s stores. You can find her art at both places, as well as on her Instagram account
@the_orchard_house_women and website. –Mindy Kyle, Photos Submitted

At Kirkland's with Her Two Girls this Past Spring to View Her Newest Piece