Geneva artist Michele Norman picked up her paintbrush and created her first oil painting during a time of great loss in her life. “I found the need to find beauty in the midst of suffering,” says Michele. “I believe that beauty is hope, and I felt compelled to share it through my work.” That painting, “Mourning”, earned her a finalist award at “The Artist Magazine”, and after that accolade, she felt she had no other choice but to become a painter.

Michele studied applied arts for two years in El Salvador and followed it with a bachelor’s degree in graphic design in Mexico City. Although she learned as a graphic designer the basics of drawing, balance, color theory and composition, she still considers herself self-taught when it comes to painting. “It’s only the daily studio work that will bring the growth skills,” she says. “I believe in showing up; it’s only by working hard that inspiration and beauty will be reached.”
Working on commissioned art was mostly how Michele began creating her business, but now she also paints for 33contemporary in Chicago and Galeria123 in El Salvador. You can view more of Michele’s art on her website at www.mishanorman.com and on her Instagram account @mishanorman.