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Glancer Chicago West

ARTIST OF THE WEEK | Elisa Hill of Oswego

by Mindy Kyle


Oswego artist Elisa Hill was not formally trained in art but was inspired at a young age by her great-grandmother and great-aunt, both prolific artists whose footsteps she wanted to follow. Although when she had a day job, she earned a living writing code to put databases together, she enjoyed expressing herself through art. “I realized that what we create is what we leave as our legacy,” says Elisa. “I want to leave something behind in this world that came from my soul.”

A lot of Elisa’s favorite works include her oil paintings and the detail and fantasy of her digital fractal work. Fractals are a visual form of math that repeats indefinitely and always continue in the same, visual manner. “The digital manipulation I learned in my previous tech-oriented life was key,” says Elisa. “The fractals and kaleidoscopes are a beautiful combination of art and tech.”

For years, Elisa was particular with accuracy in her art until one night she watched a show about artist Keith Haring that taught her how to let go and just create. That also resonates with something her great-grandmother once told her, “If you don’t like it, you can paint over it.”

To view more of Elisa’s creations, you can find her on Facebook under Mona Elisa’s Designs, on Instagram with the handle “The Girl Who Plays with Rainbows” (id: elisaannhill), and her Society 6 shop named monaelisasdesigns.

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