WARRENVILLE–That time of year is upon us again. Kids are back to school, days are shorter, less time outdoors, and stress of the season is near. Not-Coincidentally, coughs and runny noses will spike, sluggishness and weight gain will creep up, and inevitably stress will increase.
Anti-aging is often thought of as cutting-edge high-end medicine, but overlooked is the true essence of “anti” “aging”, which is healthy aging. Aging is guaranteed. Healthy aging, is far from. A strong immune system is directly related to healthy aging. The general foundation of a healthy immune system is consistent & effective stress mitigation. Get back to the basics. Quality restful sleep, balanced exercise, nutritious foods in appropriate quantitates, mindfulness & doing things that make you happy. Those are the counterbalances to the inevitable stresses to life, that generally help maintain a strong immune system, and enable us to maintain health as we age.
I don’t advocate for skipping the fun around holidays for the sake of “healthy aging”. Staying up late, a few extra calories, and cramming in for family parties are a part of what make the holidays fun. However, they are additional stressors on your body and your immune system. To counter these stressors, you can take immune supplements like vitamin d3, vitamin C, zinc, and supplemental minerals. A couple extra days of intermittent fasting can go along way. Being healthy through the holiday season will make them that much more enjoyable, and the key to that is maintaining a strong immune system & mindfulness throughout.
Watch for Katie's feature column in Glancer Magazine throughout 2022 and 2023.
Katie McManigal is a board-certified nurse practitioner who specializes in functional and regenerative medicine. Her mission and passion are in bringing optimal health to each individual she serves. Katie completed her nurse practitioner degree at Purdue University and went on to open Peak Health Institute in Warrenville, IL. Peak Health Institute is a functional medicine and lifestyle clinic devoted to providing residents with the tools needed to optimize their health. Learn more at