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Glancer Chicago West

7 SPECTACULAR | Places Helping to Reshape the Community


"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members." –Coretta Scott King

It’s been a long, unusual year filled with much anxiety and uncertainty throughout the community. Today, as each locality starts to blossom with COVID-19 restrictions lessening, many businesses are beginning down a new path, navigating through change and may need some help while doing so. This month e feature 7 Spectacular Places Helping to Reshape the Community, each offering a unique way to help help the community.

1. Naperville Helps!

NAPERVILLE–This fund was created as a win-win-win to support frontline workers who need our support, local businesses who need our patronage, and the residents of Naperville who want to do what they do best, help each other. 100% of the funds collected are managed by teams at the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Naperville Alliance in conjunction with Naperville area restaurants and nourish our frontline healthcare workers with individually packed meals from various Naperville area restaurants. Meals are delivered to Edward-Elmhurst Health, as well as the

Naperville Police and Fire Departments.

2. Naperville Kindness Network

Administered at the direction of Mayor Chirico’s office, Naperville Kindness Network seeks to share resources for those who need help and concrete ways that people can offer help in many different areas serving many different needs.

3. Fox Valley United Way

KANE COUNTY–If you are in need of services in Kane County during this taxing time call 2-1-1. Live specialists are on hand 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to discuss your needs and concerns and connect you to a wide range of local and state-wide resources. This includes business assistance resources, rent assistance, childcare help, food, shelter, help with aging parents, legal assistance, domestic abuse and much more. This also includes the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the Coronavirus from our most reliable and trusted local and national experts. Calls are confidential and help is available in over 150 languages. Alternate number: 1-888-865-9903.

4. Kane County Assistance Programs

KANE COUNTY–Find financial help in Kane County from charities, churches, and the government DHS office. Organizations can help with rent or security deposits, pass out free groceries or clothes, offer medical care or prescription vouchers, and address other needs of the low income. Charities in Aurora as well as the Geneva region also offer free back to school supplies or gasoline vouchers as well as Christmas toys. There is also financial help from foundations in Kane County, job training programs, work from job positions, and more. Learn how and where to apply for cash grants, budgeting classes, job placement, and emergency financial aid.

5. People’s Resource Center

DUPAGE–With a team of over 2,600 volunteers, People’s Resource Center offers DuPage County residents nutritious food and other basic necessities like clothes and rent and mortgage assistance for people facing tough times. They also connect people with resources—education and tutoring, jobs, technology, art, a caring community—to create a future of hope and opportunity for all.

6.Choose DuPage

DUPAGE–Choose DuPage is committed to assisting and connecting businesses in DuPage County with the resources they need during this time. If your business is in need of assistance and you are not sure where to turn, you can view a list of business and industry resources related to COVID-19 at

7. DuPage Foundation

DUPAGE–DuPage Foundation’s goal is to raise the quality of life throughout DuPage County. As DuPage County's leading conduit for charitable giving, DuPage Foundation provides: personalized charitable services for community-minded philanthropists; strategic grantmaking through Community Needs Grant Program and initiatives; and assistance to not-for-profits in building and administering their own endowments. DuPage Foundation created the DuPage Foundation COVID-19 Response Fund to help fuel local not-for-profits that will be impacted by and charged with responding to the repercussions of this emergency.

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