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Glancer Chicago West

7 SPECTACULAR | Local eSupport Groups for Mom


In these uncertain and unimaginable times, it’s important for Moms to stay connected and feel supported– whether they need to gain social interaction as a stress reliever, or are in need of general support and reassurance that they are doing a great job– connecting is key. When it comes to teaching their kids via eLearning, managing their household, and also working from home, Moms have a lot on their plate right now and it’s important that they stay happy, healthy and worry-free during these times.

1. MOPS: BUILDING A COMMUNITY OF MOMS FOR 50+ YEARS At MOPS believes in the simple but revolutionary idea that remarkable things happen when moms come together. Typically meeting face to face in area church locations, during this unprecedented quarantine time, many MOPS groups are meeting virtually and encourage you to reach out to the local MOPS groups in your area to learn more about how they can support you in light of current circumstances. 2. VIRTUAL RUNNING EVENTS FOR MOMS WHO LOVE TO RUN For moms who LOVE to run and who have had their Spring Running Events cancelled due to COVID-19, there’s a facebook group that invites you to participate in. It’s called Virtual Run Events and Unique Events for All Runners and Walkers. Join today and gain support from other moms who love to run! Connect again through your love for fitness.

3. THE BRANCH NETWORKING GROUPS The Branch has many groups locally that are just for moms. They include Naperville, Oswego , Plainfield and growing. The Branch is a local mom forum group to help moms connect, make friends and look for resources. Each facebook group has a #bekind policy to keep the space a positive, uplifting happy place for moms to enjoy. 5. THE LIFE OF SINGLE MOM The Life of a Single Mom’s desire is to see that every single mom finds a support group that offers them life-giving relationships, networking opportunities, education, and more. You will find both Certified and NonCertified Groups locally. Certified groups have undergone specific training from the organization, utilize our materials, and often, utilize our name and likeness. Many online events are being held in light of COVID-19 on a variety of topics.

6. FOXY MAMAS: CONNECTING LOCAL MOMS The founder of Families on the Fox, Chrissy Somers, created a facebook group called Foxy Mamas where Fox Valley area moms come together to meet and share about local topics. It’s a super cute way to stay connected and meet new moms. As Chrissy says in her group intro, “Many moms sent me a DM, looking for CONNECTION. Feeling like they had someone in their corner. Someone they could relate to and who could relate to them.” Search Foxy Mamas on facebook and join today. 7. LOCAL MOMS GROUPS ON FACEBOOK Social Media platforms offer a variety of topics to connect on. One of them is supporting each other as moms and giving advice when needed. On Facebook, there are a variety of groups you can join depending on where you live. Search these group names– DuPage County IL Moms, Yorkville Moms, Downers Grove Area Parents, Kaneland Moms, Kaneland Moms Working Together and many more.

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