The sun shining through the vibrant colors in the trees and the crispness in the air make for an ideal day to get out, enjoy the fall weather and visit some of your favorite fall locales. Finding that perfect pumpkin, picking apples and tasting the fresh fall baked goods are all of what makes the season special. Whether it is an old favorite or a new adventure, here some local fall traditions to love.
1. Morton Arboretum In Lisle
Fall is the most brilliant season at the Morton Arboretum where you can hike or bike the many trails decorated with thousands of trees ablaze with colors of fiery orange, warm gold and vivid crimson. Grab a coffee and wander, and you may run into a homemade scarecrow or two. www.mortonarb.org
2. Keller’s Farmstand In Oswego
Fill your baskets up with crisp fresh apples as you wander the various orchards at Keller’s Farmstand. Taste the season by relaxing and indulging in their homemade iced pumpkin and apple cider donuts then get yourself lost in their Alice in Wonderland themed corn maze. www.kellersfarmstand.com
3. Scarecrow Festival In St. Charles Leisurely stroll through the historic town of St. Charles during their annual Scarecrow Festival and be greeted by over 100 handmade and mechanical scarecrow displays. Live music, perusing the arts and crafts show and the carnival is the perfect way to spend a fall day. www.scarecrowfest.com
4. Abbey Farms In Aurora For a memorable family day, get lost in this farm’s 12-acre corn-maze, the largest in Kane County. Explore the many fun activities spread out on this 40-acre farm, grab a craft beer or glass of wine in the big tent and end your day with an evening gathered around the large firepit. www.abbeyfarms.org/pumpkin-season
5. Sugar Grove Pumpkin Farm and Produce In Sugar Grove Enjoy a day at this vintage farm searching for your favorite fall season décor with a variety of corn stalks, straw bales, ornamental corn, mums and over sixty varieties of pumpkins and gourds. It’s the perfect place to hunt down that special family pumpkin for this year’s carving event. www.sugargrovepumpkinf.wixsite.com/sg-pumpkin-farm
6. Naper Settlement Oktoberfest and All Hallow’s Eve In Naperville Grab your Alpine hat, lederhosen and beer stein on October 4th and 5th and get immersed in the lively Oompah music while you try traditional beers and authentic foods. Or wait until later in the month to be haunted by creatures and be eerily entertained at All Hallows Eve. www.napersettlement.org/230/Events
7. Sonny Acres Farm In West Chicago Grab a funnel cake or a fresh baked donut and meander around Sonny Acres Farm’s festival full of rides, attractions and fall shops. Jump up onto the hayride and enjoy the view. If you dare, choose the haunted hayride or maybe visit their haunted barn for chills.