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Glancer Chicago West

FABULOUS FAMILY | The Retterers of Sugar Grove

THIS FAMILY OF SIX LOVES TO LIVE SIMPLY WHILE GIVING BACK TO OTHERS The Retterer Family finds great joy in giving back to people in many ways through the blessings, learnings, gifts, and talents that God has provided them. They wholeheartedly believe that a family that serves together will grow together and one of their favorite Bible verses is Ephesians 2:10: “For we are Gods workmanship created through Jesus Christ to do good works that He has prepared in advance for us to do”.

Living through actions, David and Jennessa are going on a mission trip in October with Christ Community Church in Aurora who is partnering with Chosen Children in Nicaragua to do light construction on their schools and church, as well as host a baseball clinic for the children.

Volunteering is not new for the Retterer’s. As a family, they have sponsored a child in Ecuador through Compassion International and pack meals for Feed My Starving Children.

Lalia (8), Ella (7), Nova (5), and Alaina (3) are being taught at a young age to love and serve their community, and each is homeschooled in the early years. They enjoy baking with mom, playing music with dad, going fishing and to the movies; but mostly love hosting friends at their home.

Around town, the family enjoys the Sugar Grove Corn Boil, eating at Genoa Pizza, and finding the best Mexican food in town.

The Retterer’s try to live simply and always ensure they are doing onto others as they would wish others to do onto them. –Kristen Kucharski

Photos by Mike Mantucca



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