POISED FOR SUCCESS When I go shopping for a new outfit for an event or a night out, I am looking for one that will make me feel incredible and confident. There’s never a more important time to feel that way then when you are interviewing for a new job.
Poised For Success, a nonprofit agency servicing the western suburbs, agrees and works to provide amazing professional clothing at no charge to women who are on assistance and who are determined to become self-sufficient through gainful employment. Since opening their doors in 1998, the organization has had the privilege to help thousands of remarkable women including our women veterans having served our country and transitioning to the civilian workforce.
“This service helps them gain a sense of self-worth, self-confidence and empowerment,” says Gail Foster, Executive Director for Poised For Success. “It is like the beginning of a new chapter for them, and we are so honored to be a small part of that process.”
Each woman works one-on-one with a client-service volunteer to help select their interview-appropriate outfits from head to toe. In addition to providing the clothing, the volunteers assist clients in building self-esteem and interview skills as well as referrals to other local service organizations providing job-skills training and job placement. “My favorite part of the job,” says Gail, “is experiencing first-hand how empowering the right outfit can be for our clients.”
Currently, Poised For Success is seeking philanthropic property owners who could help them expand their services to a new office location in the western suburbs. They are hoping to find a place with space to grow and provide greater services to even more women. Other avenues to help are hosting clothing drives at your place of work or community organization, supporting their annual fundraising dinner in November, financial and clothing contributions, and volunteering your time in various areas from helping with monthly intakes (second Saturday of the month from 10am-1pm) to supporting marketing and fundraising efforts.
For more information on Poised For Success and their needs, visit their website at www.poisedforsuccess.org. Together, we can help these women make a better life for themselves and their families.
Mindy’s April Giving Inspiration: It is spring cleaning time! Go through your closets and drawers and find the clothing you no longer wear and donate to your local charitable organizations. If you have work appropriate clothes, consider donating them at one of Poised For Success’s monthly intakes.
ABOUT THE WRITER Mindy Kyle is the owner of Be Inspired Studios and is passionate about helping people discover what brings them joy and to live a full, healthy and happy life. She has her Masters in Fine Arts degree in creative writing from DePaul University and lives in Naperville with her husband, three children and the cutest dog in the land.